Geological & Geophysical Service Collaborations

Contact us for an initial consultation and cost estimate.

Cross Timbers Geoarchaeological Services

Cordillera Geo-Services is proud to collaborate with Cross Timbers Geoarchaeological Services to offer our clients geoarchaeological services, including the documentation of late Quaternary soil-stratigraphy and interpretation of depositional, erosional, and soil histories of archaeological sites, and the sampling and interpretation of granulometric, chemical, magnetic susceptibility, stable isotope, radiocarbon, and single-grain optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) data sets.

Park Seismic

Cordillera Geo-Services is honored to collaborate with Park Seismic LLC to offer our clients Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) services, including field data collection (active, passive, or both), data processing, data interpretation, and report writing in English, Spanish, or both. Together, we can assist clients anywhere in the United States, Mexico, or any other Spanish-speaking country worldwide. Spanish tech support is also available.

Intelligent Resources, Inc.

Cordillerageo Geo-Services is pleased to collaborate with Intelligent Resources Software, Inc., creators of Rayfract. Rayfract is a seismic refraction and borehole tomography software that allows reliable imaging of subsurface velocity structures including faults, strong lateral velocity variations, and other velocity anomalies.

KMS Technologies – KJT Enterprises Inc.

KMS Technologies focuses on integrating advanced electromagnetic methods in geothermal/oil & gas industries to image fluid flow. KMS provides solutions for new applications such as CO2 injection monitoring and Cloud-enable services. KMS delivers services, and several unique hardware and software products.