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Different types of Seismic Method Services
Seismic methods are techniques based on the measurement and study of the propagation of seismic waves. Precisely, seismic methods measure the elastic properties of soils and rocks that are a function of the physical properties such as seismic velocity, density, and shear modulus.
Seismic methods consist of different data acquisition and processing techniques, depending on the project’s goal. A seismograph, a string of receivers (geophones), and a seismic source are the components of a seismic data acquisition system. Each seismic technique can yield new insights into the subsurface. The seismic survey can be performed on the ground, in boreholes, or marine environments.
Cordillera Geo-Services offers the following land seismic methods to solve various problems: refraction (tomography), reflection, MASW, ReMi, and borehole seismic methods (downhole seismic, crosshole seismic, seismic tomography.) Typical applications of these methods include: